KEG Summer Academic Camp: Sildes & Call for Participates

less than 1 minute read


In the summer of 2022, we organize a series of talks about the startup of a Ph.D student within the KEG group, including how to write and evaluate a paper, cook an idea and lead a team. We hope such efforts can be helpful to the newcomers of research.

Current Silde Download Links

  • Talk 1: Towards an Accepted Paper Link
  • Talk 2: The Art of the Paper Link
  • Talk 3: Research Idea Cooking ! Link
  • Talk 4: Symphony of Scientific Research Link

Join us

If you are interested in sharing your own research experience or passionate about Academic Service, we sincerely invite you for joining us as a Talker. No format for sildes, no limitations about topics.

Once the you have finished a talk, we will also help in linking you to public academic media such as AI Time !

Contact me: